The Launching of Local MSME Vending Machines at Grand Indonesia, Monday, May 30, 2022. / Photo: Alfi Salima PuteriDream - Startup Blibli in collaboration with Jumpstart launched the first Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) vending machine in Indonesia.Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki also supports the launch of the Vending Machine which is located at Locale Pop Up, 3rd Floor, West Mall Grand Indonesia, Monday, May 30, 2022."I appreciate the initiative from Blibli and JumpStart in providing support for capacity building to marketing for MSME products which are now increasingly of high quality," said Teten at the launch of the MSME product vending machine, Monday, May 30, 2022.Teten said that the number of MSMEs turning to online businesses experienced a big jump in the last two years."According to data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkop UKM RI), the number of MSMEs entering the digital ecosystem has reached 19 million, an increase of almost 130 percent after the pandemic. That is with a target of 30 million digital onboarding MSMEs by 2024," explained Teten.In addition, vending machines that present a variety of MSME products ranging from food and beverages, beauty, to fashion are unique.This is because most of the vending machines are filled with foreign products."It is precisely MSMEs that have a wealth of varied products from different regions whose packaging is getting better, the branding is also okay, I think hopefully our target this year is to be the year of the rise of MSMEs, the economic revival after this pandemic can be achieved," he said.On the same occasion, Blibli's Chief Marketing Officer, Edward Kilian S. said that Blibli said this MSME vending machine was the first in Indonesia.Blibli will also continue to expand access to leading MSME products for customers.According to Blibli, this collaboration provides a new experience for customers, in getting the best variety of local products, as well as complementing the omnichannel marketing channel for MSMEs in growing their business.“What we call the omnichannel approach is no longer online and offline, but can be both offline and online.It should be seamless.When MSMEs enter Indonesian galleries, not only do they unlock their potential online through the marketplace, but they also have other opportunities, such as in this vending machine,” explained Edward.In this collaboration, Blibli has collaborated with 36 MSMEs to present 180 variants of the best local products that customers can directly get at the innovative vending machines provided by JumpStart.To introduce this innovative vending machine to the wider community, Blibli and JumpStart are holding a Locale Pop Up event which will take place in Grand Indonesia until June 12, 2022.Here, visitors can purchase MSME products at the four vending machines available.10 Portraits of the Richest Man's Luxury House in West Bandung that Viral, Turns out to be a Famous Fortune Teller!How to Calculate Zakat on Gold and the Evidence and Conditions, Owners of These Precious Metals Must Understand!Remember Juliana Moechtar?This Singer's Fate Changed Drastically After Marrying a TNI Officer, The Condition of His Home Made Shock7 Benefits of Mustard Greens for Pregnant Women, Best Nutrient Intake for Pregnant Women and Their FetusHow to Easily Determine Qibla Direction without Looking at the Sun7 Benefits of Sugarcane Water for Health, Can Help Lower Bad CholesterolMasya Allah, Police Officers Quickly Dig Burrows and Bury Covid-19 Patients6 Ways to Keep the Spirit of Worship After Ramadan AwakeViral Prabowo wakes up sleeping aide, netizens are nervousPolice Tighten Jakarta Toll Road: 74,000 Vehicles Forced to Turn BackJokowi: Lebaran this year is indeed difficult, but must be faced togetherMinistry of Religion Holds Virtual Takbir Night Celebrates Eid Al-Fitr 1441 HThere is a wife, son-in-law, and granddaughter, the Minister of Religion becomes an Imam and Khatib for Eid prayers at homeShiver!Video of Pakistan Airlines plane crash caught on CCTVHow to Calculate Zakat on Gold and the Evidence and Conditions, Owners of These Precious Metals Must Understand!Tiny Serum That Can Complete Morning & Night SkincareHabits that Unknowingly Make Blood Sugar Rise DrasticallyPrayers for Sweeping the Universe on the Day of Tasyrik, which are often read by the Prophet SAW and its virtuesIndonesia's Richest Woman, Hikayat Marina Budiman Becomes Indonesia's Richest WomanBeginning and Ending Tahiyat Prayers Equipped with Arabic, Latin, and Meaning ReadingsOne Step Better Towards Financial IndependenceAqiqah Prayers That Are Usually Read, Starting from Prayers when Slaughtering Animals to Walimah Al-AqiqahWearing a High School Uniform at Ussy's Birthday Party, Nafa Urbach's Appearance Makes You Gaze!Portrait of Abandoned `Palace` of the Malay Sultanate, Once a Lodging for King's Relatives, Now in Creepy Condition!Now There's Pizza with Durian Topping, Want to Try it?10 Portraits of the Richest Man's Luxury House in West Bandung that Viral, Turns out to be a Famous Fortune Teller!How to Calculate Zakat on Gold and the Evidence and Conditions, Owners of These Precious Metals Must Understand!